An Office to Promote the Interests of Entrepreneurs was opened in Moldova


The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Moldova and the Consulting Company Brodsky Uskov Looper Reed & Partners SRL signed a Memorandum of Cooperation on May 25, 2021, which provides for the creation of a new instrument to support the business environment: The Office for the Promotion of Entrepreneurs’ Interests.

Within the framework of the project, a team of specialists from the Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the Consulting Company will operate to help entrepreneurs promote their small business development programs.

The Office for the Promotion of the Interests of Entrepreneurs is designed to strengthen the role of the SME (Small and Medium Enterprise) sector in promoting legislative initiatives aimed at developing the country’s economy, creating an attractive and transparent business climate. In this regard, proposals for changes in the legal and regulatory framework governing entrepreneurship will be presented and new initiatives will be proposed to support local companies.

At the same time, the Office will aim its activities at supporting the authorities, especially in the development of regulations and decisions that affect small entrepreneurs. Thus, the central government authorities and local residents will be able to use the legal expertise of the developed projects and proposals that reflect the vision of the business environment.

“Representing the interests of entrepreneurs is the main mission and function of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry and through this initiative we want to offer entrepreneurs another effective tool for proposing business support, as well as for removing barriers in their commercial activities. The Office was created in response to requests from CCI members who have suffered from the consequences of the pandemic and will be able to benefit from our support in the future. ” Sergiu Haria, Chairman of the CCI.

“One of the main approaches of Brodsky Uskov Looper Reed & Partners SRL is to prevent negative situations for our clients – business representatives in the Republic. In the process of consulting our clients, we identified several main areas, work on which requires a systematic approach by improving the legal regulation of their commercial activities”. Ruslan Uskov, Managing Partner, Brodsky Uskov Looper Reed & Partners.

The team of the newly formed Office has developed a list of the most pressing issues facing entrepreneurs. At the first stage, the Office will propose the development and promotion of changes in the regulatory framework in a number of priority areas, including:

  1. Development of a legal framework to regulate and support family businesses.
  2. Raising the legal status of traditional artisans.
  3. Reducing government regulation (deregulation) in the agricultural sector.
  4. Public procurement procedure.
  5. Mechanisms for stimulating innovative entrepreneurship.
  6. Access to finance

Entrepreneurs can submit their initiatives and requests to the email address:

The activities of the Office will also be supported by the authorities, in particular, in the development of regulations and decisions affecting small entrepreneurs. Thus, central and local public administration authorities will be able to use the legal expertise of the developed projects and proposals that reflect the vision of the business environment.

Note: According to the signed Memorandum, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry and Brodsky Uskov Looper Reed & Partners SRL will cooperate in the following main areas:

  • Informing the competent authorities about the identified shortcomings in the activities of institutions and obstacles in the implementation of entrepreneurial activities.
  • Identification of systemic gaps and conflicts with the current legislation in the field of regulation and control of entrepreneurship.
  • Conducting a comprehensive analysis of the regulatory framework, preparing reports on problem areas and proposing practical ways to solve them.
  • Development of recommendations for improving the business climate. These recommendations will be presented to the authorities to improve existing legislation and procedures that negatively affect the business environment.
  • Analyze and assess the impact of regulatory requirements on the business environment.
  • Providing consulting services to improve the business environment.
  • Joint development of draft amendments to the current legislation in accordance with the directions and goals of the Memorandum.

For more information, you can contact by e-mail by sending a request to


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