Taking into account that a significant part of our clients is represented by different corporative structures, our special attention to the corporate law and adjacent legislation is natural and mandatory. Our experts devote time an energy to study the corporative practice in different countries and to search for opportunities to implement the existing word practice in this area in the Eastern European and CIS countries.
Representing the interests of our clients, the “Brodsky Uskov Looper Reed & Partners” has succeeded in undertaking various actions and transactions, such as incorporation of hundreds of different type companies in the Republic of Moldova, offshore regions and CIS, Europe and United States. The experts of the company took part in the incorporation process of big complex-structured companies, including banks and financial institutions, companies with mixed capital, various funds, public and commercial organizations.
The consultants of “Brodsky Uskov Looper Reed & Partners” have a rich experience regarding the convocation of stockholders’ meetings, performing the additional stock emissions, security issuing, fulfillment of changes inside the company, including the shaping and implementation of new administration systems and restructuring of organizational structure. By our clients order, the experts of “Brodsky Uskov Looper Reed & Partners” participated in negotiations, and took part directly in the company takeover processes with its further liquidation and/or affiliation, share purchase of particular enterprises, concern and other commercial organizations establishment.
- Representing interests of “INTERNATIONAL Telcell” (a subdivision of “Metromedia”), in the course of purchasing the biggest cable TV network in the Republic of Moldova, inserting it further into the own filial;
- Preparing all necessary documentation and registration of the “International Commercial Black Sea Bank” in the National Bank of Republic of Moldova and obtaining the license for all types of activity;
- Developing the control packet of shares buy-up plan of the biggest grain processing enterprise and its further realization;
- Registering the representation in the Republic of Moldova for “Philip Morris”, “Western NIS Enterprise Fund”, advertising agency filial “D’Arcy”, “Murfitts Transport Ltd.”, etc.;
Developing and implementing the merger plan of five sugar plants for the German company “SUDZUCKER International GmbH”; - Preparing the reorganization procedures for a number of big companies for the purpose of human resources changes and the HR department work improvement;
- Participating on behalf of the investors at the general meetings of the shareholders and board of directors with the purpose of legal representation.