Uskov and Chamber of Commerce and Industry will help small business


Ruslan Uskov’s Consulting Company Brodsky Uskov Looper Reed & Partners and the Moldovan Chamber of Commerce and Industry will help small and medium-sized businesses. How? They signed a Memorandum of Cooperation, which provides for the creation of an Office to Promote the Interests of Entrepreneurs.



Ruslan Uskov, Managing Partner of Brodsky Uskov Looper Reed & Partners, said:

How did you come to the creation of the Business Support Office?

“Several months ago, in our Parliament, the bill on the creation of the position of the business ombudsman was not passed. In the meantime, the economy needs this structure to represent business interests. For example, we have such organizations as AmCham and the European Business Associations, which are very successful in representing the interests of large foreign business in our country. That is, these are professional structures, they work on an ongoing basis, there are experts who are constantly developing new proposals for changing laws, and so on. In other words, let’s say, the voice of large foreign business is fully heard by the government. Small and medium-sized businesses, however, which in quantitative terms represent 99 percent of business in Moldova, are rather weakly represented.

The office will deal specifically with systemic problems to unblock the business and improve the operating conditions.


“We are talking about amending various regulations, promoting the adoption of new laws, instructions from various ministries and departments, government decisions. It is important that we will separate the personal problems of entrepreneurs from the systemic ones and solve the systemic ones”.

At the first stage, the Office will propose for the development and promotion of changes in the regulatory framework in a number of priority areas, including:

  1. Development of a legal framework to regulate and support family businesses
  2. Raising the legal status of traditional artisans.
  3. Reducing government regulation (deregulation) in the agricultural sector
  4. Public procurement procedure.
  5. Mechanisms for stimulating innovative entrepreneurship.
  6. Access to finance

The office for the promotion of the interests of small and medium-sized businesses has already begun its work and the reception of entrepreneurs, now a website is being created.

Entrepreneurs can submit their initiatives and requests to the email address:





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